Many avenues lead to the Catholic Church. Many people reach a point where they find themselves asking questions about life’s meaning or “Why am I here?”
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.) is the Church’s ritual process for calling adults to a conversion of mind and heart to Jesus Christ. The O.C.I.A. is primarily intended for those who are unbaptized and preparing for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. This process involves learning about Holy Scripture, God’s presence in our lives and learning how to respond to His presence. The adult students in this program (Catechumens ) are exposed to the teachings of Jesus and his Church and are led to discover the meaning of a new life in Jesus.
Because the process of becoming a Christian Catholic is about conversion and transformation of the whole person, it is difficult to determine how long this process will take. Every person is treated as an individual with a unique history and background. Everyone grows and develops at his or her own pace. Through a process of spiritual discernment, catechumens are led one step at a time to the Sacraments of Initiation.
For more information please contact the parish office to speak with a member of our Faith Formation team.
Lerma Simpson
(408)-223-1770 ext 316