During the month of April (excluding Easter), our average weekly collection was $19,332 (3.5% decrease vs. Mar. 23). You also generously donated to various important causes in our April second collections at $27,289 ($5,458 a week.) This brings our April weekly average to $24,790.
During the month of March, our average weekly collection was $20,023 You also generously donated to various important causes in our March second collections at $18,636 ($4,659 a week.) This brings our March weekly average to $24,682. Thank you for sharing God's gifts.
March ends the third quarter of the fiscal year. Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our parish. During the month of March, our average weekly collection was $20,023 (2.5% decrease vs. Feb. 23).
February marks the 8th month of the fiscal year. Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our parish. During the month of February, our average weekly collection was $20,531.
January marks the beginning of the third quarter of the fiscal year. Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our parish. During the month of January, our average weekly collection was $19,804 (7% increase vs. Jan 22).
The second quarter of the new fiscal year is upon us. Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our parish. During the month of November, our average weekly collection was $22,218 (18% increase vs. Oct. 22).
The new fiscal year has begun. Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our parish. During the month of July, our average weekly collection was $18,404 (5% decrease vs. June). The love that these gifts represent will enable us to continue the work that we must undertake here at St. Francis of Assisi Parish.
August Update - ADA 2022 – Parish Goal: $220,000; Pledged: $274,073; Paid: $220,587; Average Gift: $497. St. Francis of Assisi can earn a minimum rebate of ($90,000) which we will use for parish facility improvements and repair. Thank you for your generosity!
Our loan balance on July 1, 2021 was $1,667,452.11. During the first 6 months of this fiscal year (Jul – Dec 2021), we made both principal and interest payments: $1,000,224.89 (principal) and $33,916.52 (interest).
Thank you to everyone who continues during this pandemic to support the mission and ministries of our parish. During the month of December (excluding Christmas), our average weekly collection was $20,568 (8% increase vs. November 2021).
Our loan balance on July 1, 2020, was $2,029,798. During the first six months of this fiscal year (Jul – Dec 2020), we made both principal and interest payments: $144,246 (principal) and $49,924 (interest). These payments were funded from both the Sunday Offertory ($144,346) and ($49,824) from our first of the month 2nd collection. Our loan balance as of Dec. 31, 2020, was $1,885,552.
As good stewards of the treasure you entrust to us, we are taking steps to “clean-up” our envelope mailing and distribution list. For all those who currently are receiving envelopes and did not use them in 2019, we will be removing you from our mailing list. This will reduce our expenses significantly.
Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of September. Our average weekly collection was $18,869. You also generously donated to various important causes in our September (2nd Collections) in the amount of $20,136 ($4,027 a week.) This brings our September total to $22,896 a week. We budgeted our Sunday Offertory income for the first month of the new fiscal year (13 weeks) at $260,000 and received $259,545. Any additional income helps us to pay-down our $2.3 million debt. As you know, we are totally dependent upon you all our parishioners for our livelihood.
Many employers offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Some provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift! This is yet another way in which you can financially support St. Francis of Assisi.
Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of May. Our average weekly collection was $19,762 (lowest of the year). You also generously donated to various important causes in our May Second Collections in the amount of $20,093 (not including Catholic Charities – TBD). Our parish needs $20,000 a week for us to meet many of our financial responsibilities. We budgeted our Sunday Offertory income for the first 11 months (46 weeks) at $920,000 and received $978,000. This additional income helps us to pay-down our $2.5 million debt. As you know, we are totally dependent upon you all our parishioners for our livelihood. We are so grateful for the sacrifices you make so that the work of St. Francis of Assisi Parish may continue to impact the lives of so many.
Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of March. Our average weekly collection was $21,711. You also generously donated to various important causes in our March Second Collections in the amount of $34,712! As you know, we are totally dependent upon you all our parishioners for our livelihood. We are so grateful for the sacrifices you make so that the work of St. Francis of Assisi Parish may continue to impact the lives of so many.