A Cursillo (pronounced KER SEE O) is a three-day learning, sharing, experience of living in a Christian Community. The word “Cursillo” is Spanish, meaning “a short course.” Cursillo is an abbreviation of the full title: CURSILLO DE CHRISTIANDAD, which means “A Short Course in Christian Community Living.” During the three-days of a Cursillo Weekend, a person not only hears what it really means to be a Christian but actually gets to experience the joy of building and being a part of a genuine Christian Community.
As good stewards of the treasure you entrust to us, we are taking steps to “clean-up” our envelope mailing and distribution list. For all those who currently are receiving envelopes and did not use them in 2019, we will be removing you from our mailing list. This will reduce our expenses significantly.
On this Feast of Mary, the Mother of God, we are given a model and example of unshakable faith. She who faced every “river of difficulty,” by placing her life in the hands of God’s promise, is with us always as our mother, blessed of all women, blessed of God, blessed of the whole Church. Let our confidence not be shaken; let our resolve never waiver, and let our hopes not be dashed by the “rivers of difficulties” we may need to cross in this year ahead. Let us continue to remain close to Mary, as our inspiration and our hope— she who is the humble servant of the Lord, elevated by the grace of God, who brought into the world the one who is Jesus, our Savior and our Lord.