There are four little words that no one ever wants to hear—not when you’re dating or married [or employed]. In fact, I’d bet that most people dread them. And the reason is very simple— they usually signal that something very bad is going to happen. And when we hear them, shots of adrenaline begin coursing through our veins. You know what those four words are: We need to talk.
The news was depressing, to say the least: A Pew Research Center poll generated headlines announcing that only 30% of American Catholics believe what the Church believes about the Eucharist — that it is the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, and not merely a symbol. Who’s to blame for that? We all have our guesses, I’m sure — but I also know that, in a crisis, assigning blame isn’t the top priority. Stopping the crisis is.
...authentic judgment is a good thing—it is essential to the health & well-being of an individual and to the well-being of society. In other words: a “truth telling that is honest, clear and direct shines light on things as good and evil, so they appear as what they really are.”
The Sacrament of Confirmation marks the completion of baptismal grace. Are you attending Mass each Sunday, and yet have not yet received this important sacrament? It’s time to step forward and complete your initiation into the Catholic Church. We will have a preparation session this Fall. If you are interested in participating or have questions, contact Lisa at 408-223-1759, ext. 316 or
Like other couples in your parish or family, you may be wondering if your marriage is fully recognized by the Catholic Church. Catholic Church law ordinarily requires baptized Roman Catholics to marry before a priest or deacon.