Awesome tidbitsfrom Fr. Rey Week of August 6th – The Transfiguration of The Lord
SHOUT OUT to the late Msgr. John Sandersfeld’s life for his dedicated service to God’s flock! We celebrated his death anniversary last Thursday, August 3rd. We remember all he has done to our parish community as our founding pastor. We would not have been what we are today as a community if it were not for Msgr. Sandersfeld. Msgr. Sandersfeld, you are awesome!
Transfiguration Sunday! This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The celebration allows us to recall the awesome event when at Mt. Tabor Jesus’ body changed in form so much so that it shone as brightly as the sun. This event is significant because God affirms Jesus as His Son and confirms His Son’s divinity. In this event Jesus also points to His disciples of his future resurrection. This should pose as an awesome hope for all of us since we know that Jesus triumphed over sin and death, and was raised in the fullness of glory. What happened at Mt. Tabor is a foreshadowing of what will happen to us! We who will die with Christ can look forward to the day when we shall also rise with Him in glory. That’s awesome!
MEET AND GREET. Thank you again for the warm welcome Fr. Robain and I received from all of you. It is time for us to meet and know you a little better. If you have signed up, I look forward to seeing you to our “Meet and Greet” for a coffee, donut, and chat. Our first “Meet and Greet” is today, August 6th, in the Villages after the 8:15 Mass, and after the 12:00 noon Mass in the Chapel. Please note that this Meet and Greet is limited to people who have signed up! If you have not signed up, please be sure to do so with the ushers. Other dates are still available.
Second Collection. This Sunday’s second collection is for the Worship Space expansion fund. The purpose of this collection is to ensure reserve funds in place for the future expansion or construction of the larger church.I am grateful for your awesome generosity!
Mission Cooperative 2023. Every year our Diocese assigns a beneficiary for the mission cooperative in every parish. This year our beneficiary is the Diocese of Virac in the Philippines. They need our financial support to help them for the pastoral concerns of their diocese such as the clergies ongoing formation, priestly formation of the their poor but deserving seminarians, formation of the laity, ongoing formation program for the young people, pastoral care for orphans and malnourished children. Fr. Orlando Mendoza from the Diocese of Virac will be our guest homilist in all the Masses next weekend. Thank you for your awesome donation!
August 13 – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mission Cooperative Weekend Guest Priest & Homilist: Fr. Orly Mendoza
Saturday - Anticipated 4:00 pm Fr. Rey 5:30 pm Fr. Lieu
Sunday 8:00 am Fr. Rey 8:15 am Msgr. Mitchell (Villages) 10:00 am Fr. Rey 12:00 pm Fr. Robain 2:00 pm Fr. Page (Spanish) 4:00 pm Fr. Lieu (Vietnamese) 6:00 pm Fr. Robain
** Father Orly, our guest priest from the Diocese of Virac, Philippines will be the homilist in all the Masses, except the Villages.