Staff Changes at St. Francis of Assisi Parish – July 1, 2019 Now having completed my first year as pastor, I have a much better understanding of the strengths, potential for growth, and new opportunities for our parish. Let me share some of the unfolding changes regarding the parish staff.
Firstly, I am abundantly blessed to have a family of faith-filled, dedicated and competent co-workers—the people that make up our pastoral and administrative staff. Parishes in the 21
st century are much different than they were decades earlier. They are more diverse, complicated, and demanding. No pastor or priest can dare hope to accomplish much all by himself.
Secondly, the first “new opportunity” that I seized upon was discerning the pressing needs and unhealthy pressures that daily impact family life in the fast-paced, overly stressed, and technologically driven culture we live in. Last summer, we embarked upon a new ministry we call
3GEN+ which seeks primarily to educate, advocate, and accompany three groups: youth, parents, and the elderly in the area of Mental Health.
Therefore, I have appointed Cecile Vo to become the coordinator of a new ministry:
FamilyLife, Justice, and Peace. Some of the primary objectives will be:
Provide education, formation, and discernment opportunities for parishioners to grow in the understanding of Catholic social teaching in the areas of Family Life, Justice and Peace to promote awareness, action and spiritual development.
Organize, support, and empower the present work and ministry of the various activities and organizations at St. Francis of Assisi that seek to meet the needs of the poor, marginalized, and disenfranchised in our local neighborhoods and deanery.
Promote the dignity of the human person and to affirm a consistent ethic of life through advocacy for the common good through public policy and more fully formed consciences.
Provide staff leadership, administrative, and organizational support for 3Gen+ to educate, accompany & advocate for those affected by mental illness.
Thirdly, Frances Carrasco-Leyerle, since early 2016, has been managing our Memorial Garden. She has chosen to take on a new position. I have decided to divide the responsibilities of this important ministry into two positions shared by Cecile Vo (sales and service) and Gillian Griffis (administrative support). Both have the experience and talent to meet the needs of this position.
Fourthly, Kevin Bernaga will now assume the duties of our 2-year Confirmation program, so to better align his ministry of service to our young people in the area of Faith Formation for all generations.
Lastly, Rosie Olivas will be moving to the receptionist position and continue with the Sunday Bulletin and other parish communication. Gillian Griffis, along with her work for the Memorial Garden, will be our wedding and baptism coordinator.
“I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better.” —Georg C. Lichtenberg Fr. Matt, Pastor