Wedding Ceremony
We are delighted and honored that you have chosen St. Francis of Assisi Parish to celebrate your special day. We want to help make this special day, when you commit yourselves to each other for life, both a happy and holy occasion.
Reserving a special date is certainly an exciting part of your wedding preparation.
We can reserve the wedding date of your choice only upon initial interview. Our in-house priests will be delighted to conduct your initial interview and talk to you about this by calling or visiting our parish office.
Telephone: 408-2231562
Parish Office: 5111 San Felipe Rd., San Jose, Ca 95135
1. When should we start our marriage preparation?
Preparations should begin at least six (6) months prior to your wedding date.
2. Can we reserve a wedding date a year in advance or before our marriage preparation starts?
YES, but only within one year before the intended wedding date.
3. What days are weddings held in Saint Francis of Assisi Parish?
Weddings are held on Saturdays or any weekdays (Mon-Fri), except First Fridays of the month, either at 11:30 am or 1:30 pm. There are NO weddings on SUNDAYS.
4. Can we have our wedding in Saint Francis of Asissi Parish even if we are not registered parishioners?
YES. Though we give priority to our registered parishioners, we welcome couples who wishes Saint Francis of Assisi Parish to be the church of their choice. You will have to ask a permission from the pastor of your home parish where you are registered, and present it to our office before the start of your initial interview.
5. Can we invite our own priest to officiate our wedding?
Yes. But there are conditions. Our in-house priest will be glad to discuss this over with you.
6. Do you do Convalidation of Marriage and Wedding Anniversaries?
Yes. Please contact the parish office.
*Marriage Convalidation assists couples, who for one reason or another have not had their marriage solemnized in the Catholic Church. If you know someone who has not been able to have their marriage performed by a Catholic priest, our parish is sponsoring a program that will assist them in taking care of this matter. Please call the office for more information and to register.