We have just started the season of Lent. A time for personal renewal. The word “Lent” means springtime! The 3 themes of Lent are Fasting, Prayer, and Almsgiving (Charity). As our JOY families continue their journey through the topic of Prayer, we focused last month on the prayer that Jesus gave us.
Many of us learned this prayer as children preparing for our First Eucharist. Some of us learned this prayer by reciting the Rosary. I think most of us learned this prayer during the Mass. Each and every Sunday this prayer is recited all over the world.
I know this prayer by heart. It is a good prayer to have close to the heart. However, I have said it so many times in my life that it becomes stale and automatic. When I really pay attention, I am asking for so many things from God:
1) Thy Kingdom Come 2) Thy will be done 3) on Earth as it is in Heaven 4) Give us this day our daily bread 5) Forgive us our Trespasses 6) As we forgive those who Trespass against us 7) Lead us not into Temptation 8) but Deliver Us from EVIL.
We asked the adults in our JOY process to carefully contemplate on The “Our Father” prayer and what it means to them. I would like to share their reflection with you.
A Reflection on the Our Father-from the Joy Adults of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish, February 2019
Our Heavenly Father, as we greatly honor your daily presence in our lives, may we understand your Teachings, that we may live every day with you in our heart, so that our faith in you will continue from life into heaven.
Continue to bless us every day with our needs.
Forgive us our sins and weaknesses. Enlighten us by giving us strength and guidance to release
Our burdens off others and their wrongdoings.
Guide us away from our negative desires but encourage us to do good and follow your will.
We ask for strength, guidance and protection so we may enter the kingdom of God. Amen.