"Here is our rule," Francis said— as simple and as impossible as it may have seemed: “Live by the Gospel. Francis took the Gospel so literally that he made one of the brothers run after a thief who stole Francis’ hood. “Here, take his too!
In one famous story, Francis preached to hundreds of birds about being thankful to God for their wonderful clothes, for their independence, and for God's care. The story tells us the birds stood still as he walked among them, only flying off when he said they could leave.
Francis was a man of action. His simplicity of life extended to both ideas and deeds. If there was a simple way, no matter how impossible it seemed, Francis would take it.
So, when Francis wanted approval for his brotherhood, he went straight to Rome to see Pope Innocent III. You can imagine what the pope thought when this beggar approached him! As a matter of fact, he threw Francis out.
Undoubtedly, St. Francis was as qualified as any to be ordained a priest, but he never was, feeling unworthy to ascend the altar steps and call upon God’s power to bring about the miracle of the Holy Eucharist.
Throughout Francis’ life he had a great reverence for priests. In Thomas of Celano’s biography, it is written that Francis frequently kissed the hands of priests he met “with great faith,” honoring the special consecration they received on their hands on the day of their ordination.
It is recorded that Francis often said, “If I saw an Angel and a priest, I would bend my knee first to the priest and then to the Angel.” Regardless of their moral character, Francis held them in high esteem as he knew they were set-apart by God for a special purpose.
In many ways St. Francis’ life mirrors that of Jesus Christ. Both were rather insignificant men who wandered around small villages preaching to whomever would listen. They didn’t have any political power and did not lead any armies into battle.
The unexpected way St. Francis changed the world was through his example. His revolutionary way of thinking is so radically simple that anyone can do it!
All you need to do is follow the Gospel, live simply, and show your joy to the world.
When others see the beauty of a life united to God, they are immediately attracted to it. St. Francis never expected his little band of brothers to be of any significance, and yet today, 800 years later, they are one of the largest religious orders in the world!
Francis believe that a life lived authentically, rooted in the Gospel, has more power than any king or earthly ruler.
Do you want to change the world? Don’t try to become powerful according to earthly standards. Start simply by beginning with yourself and slowly influencing those in your sphere of influence.
The Gospel is preached most effectively, not by powerful organizations that reach to every corner of the globe, but by individuals passing it on to another person.
As the friar from Assisi often encouraged his followers:
“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”