As many around the world struggle with the coronavirus, St. Francis of Assisi Parish has not been immune to the effects caused by these recent events. The directive from Bishop Oscar Cantú to suspend all Masses was an important step in helping slow the spread of the virus. This decision was not made lightly. It was made from concern for the common good and care of the vulnerable in our community.
The current times are challenging for all of us, including our own parish. We rely on your generous stewardship, in good times and in bad, to meet all of our financial responsibilities. The Sunday collection
March 15 ($3,340); March 22 ($3,962) is the principal source of our income that pays for maintaining our facilities, staff salaries, insurance, leases, and loan payments. I assure you that we have already implemented and are prudently planning to drastically reduce our expenses until life gets back to normal.
This is a good time to remind you that we offer the option for giving electronically in a safe and secure way. Your online offertory can be customized by you. The frequency of how you want to give (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) and the type of gift (debit, credit, EFT, etc.) is up to you.
Please visit our website at for instructions on how to quickly set up an online offertory account. Please feel free to contact the parish office if you have any questions on our online offertory. If you don’t wish to give online, please remember to mail in your weekly offertory gift. We thank you for your continued support of our parish community.